Every company possesses a valuable asset – human capital, a human resource that needs to be retained, developed, and motivated.
In a market situation with a shortage of human resources, retention and development of staff prove to be more important activities than attracting new personnel.
Training helps employees acquire new skills and knowledge or improve existing ones. This increases their effectiveness and productivity at work. Training acts as a motivating and inspiring force for expressing full production potential.
In the rapidly changing business world, employee training is key to keeping staff up-to-date with new trends, technologies, and practices in the industry. Improving technological skills and knowledge provides a sense of corporate concern and responsibility.
Training can increase employee motivation and job satisfaction, showing them that the company invests in their professional development. There are professions that “depreciate” human potential; activities to increase motivation can contribute to the renewal and restarting of work opportunities.
Systematic training helps employees understand and adhere to certain work standards, leading to higher quality products and services. Every system of rules reduces conflict situations due to the lack of taking individual decisions in specific cases.
Training supports the development of leadership skills and provides opportunities for career advancement, which helps retain talented employees. Management skills have always been a challenge, but like any practical skill, they can be cultivated.
In many sectors, periodic training is mandatory to ensure that the company and its employees comply with legal requirements and standards. Professional certification for professions with a dynamic legal regulation is also a useful practice.
Training often contributes to building a strong corporate culture and improving interactions and communication within the team. New regulations, changing legal requirements, necessitate the constant professional development of employees.
Trained employees are less likely to make mistakes, which can save the company time and resources and reduce risks associated with safety and quality. Training increases the sense of responsibility and identification with the corporate culture.
At Horizons Bulgaria, we maintain a wide range of consulting expertise related to conducting corporate training on a variety of topics, part of which includes the acquisition and development of fine skills, sales skills, emotional intelligence, coping with stress, conflicts, time management.
Horizons Bulgaria is a recognized name in the HR community and a leading staffing agency in Bulgaria.