The Bulgarian word “selection” itself etymologically contains the entire process of “recruitment”, as by default the focus is only on “selection”. However, the word has adopted and when used independently in the sense of a professional service and / or internal company professional function. It implies and includes activities for searching of candidates and the entire processes organization such as: job opening, evaluating, recruiting, hiring and administration.
Here we have allowed ourselves to suggest you several useful ideas that can make you successful in staff recruitment, performance evaluation and employees’ motivation.
If you do not have worked with a recruitment agency before, you may have a lot of questions. On the one hand, what can you expect in general from such a partnership, and on the other – which specific agency to choose and how. READ MORE
The key is in the approach and the details, not in the content. The overall message of the company is important for attracting top talents. Here are our suggestions for a more efficient process. READ MORE
The key is in the approach and the details, not in the content. The overall message of the company is important for recruiting and evaluating the best professionals. Here are our suggestions for a more efficient process. READ MORE
Remember that the best way to inspire your employees to perform better is to show them your support and trust with every action and attitude. READ MORE
Every person in the organization is motivated by different things, so your approach should be individual. READ MORE
The main difference of the headhunting in comparison with the standard recruitment is that the client, through the recruitment consultant, is the active part in the process, and not the other way around, when the candidates are the active part – i.e. applying for a opening. Here it could even be said that the client, through the recruitment consultant, “applies” for a potential employer to several good and selected professionals. READ MORE
Horizons Bulgaria uses the HR expertise gained over the years to offer professional management of an employer brand.