OUR Partners


logoHorizons Bulgaria is a member of French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. CCI France Bulgaria – CCIFB is a non-profit organization which brings together 240 French, Bulgarian and multinational companies. The chamber expresses the common will of French companies present in Bulgaria and of Bulgarian and French businessmen to join forces and ideas in order to develop and promote economic and trade relations between the two countries.

logo Innovatoria is Digital Marketing Studio. Digital marketing services, SEO, PPC, product and brand development, web design, Internet marketing, media planning, event management, for small and medium size companies, mobile application development and web based software.



Ascent Group is a consultancy group which was set up in order to address the necessity for high quality consultancy services for those who invest in Eastern Europe.



The Bulgarian Association for People Management is a non-governmental organization, established to support and develop the professionals in the people management field.



Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is the main national high academic, research, cultural and information center of high international reputation. Horizons Bulgaria has partnership with Sofia University strands in area of students counseling and organizing annual career forum “Golden Apple of Success”, together with the Faculty of new and classical philology at the University.