All employees in Bulgaria, as all over the World, have not only obligations but also rights. Be informed and competent in the subject! This could be useful for you.
Getting into an employment relationship, gives employees the right for:
- free association, unionization, participation in production creating and management
- normal working hours, for social security, equal treatment in employment, benefits, holidays, breaks, healthy and safe working conditions
- socio-cultural and ethical services, non-discrimination, protection against unfair dismissal and others.
The employee is equal to the employer: entering into contractual relations is a bilateral process in which both sides are equal. Not only the employer but also the employee may suggest proposals connected to the contract.
Social Security: employers are obliged by law to pay social securities to all employees.
Working time with normal duration: normal working time per day is 8 hours. There are options for both sides of the labor contract to agree work for only part of the lawfully defined duration (part-time job). In that case they determine the duration and the distribution of the working time.
Wage: employer is obliged to pay employee the agreed wage for the work delivered in the established timeframe.
Health and safety working conditions: These are those working conditions, which allow the normal working of human organism. They ensure the protection of physical and mental integrity of the human body and prevent from adverse external impact on it.
Right for protection against dismissal: Each worker has the right for protection against I wrongful dismissal, according to the Union law and national laws and practices.
Equal treatment in employment: direct or indirect discrimination is not allowed in performing working rights and obligations.
Breaks and holidays: working time of the employee should include one or more breaks. The employer provides the employee meal breaks, which should not be less than 30 minutes. Each employee who has at least 8 months of service, is entitled to have an annual paid leave.
Objective characteristics of an employee’s job and recommendation from the employer: the employee is entitled to require from the employer objective and fair specifications for their professional qualities needed to deliver a job and a feedback for the results of his work, or objective and fair recommendation if they apply for another job.
The rights of employees and employers in Bulgaria are defined by the Labor Code of Bulgaria. Here are showing only basic rules, using a variety of sources. We advise you to contact a specialist in labor law if you have a particular issue to solve.