4,5 % Less Employed Per Year

About 45,5% of the population of Bulgaria who are above 15 years old have work.

Data of the National Statistical Institute show that the percentage of employed people is reduced with about 4,5% per yearly base. It is down to 2,94 million people for the second trimester of 2011. The population of Bulgaria for the 1st February 2011 is 7 364 570 people of whom 40% are employed. The decline is bigger in men where the index drops with 5,7% reaching 1,53 million people. 1,4 million of te women have work which is 3,1% less for the second trimester of the previous year.

During the period of the second trimester of 2010 till the second trimester of 2011 the most significant decline is in the number of the employed people. They have elementary or lower degree of education. The decline of 14,4%, while the decline of the employed with higher education is 0,5%.

By status the employed people are:

  • employers – 109.3 thousand or 3,7%;
  • self employed non-employers – 220,8 thousand or 7,5%;
  • employees – 2,57 million or 87,6%;
  • non-paid family workers – 32,5 thousand or 1,1%.

Compared to the second trimester of 2010 the number of the employed from all of the given categories has decreased. The biggest percentage in this decline is in the number of the self-employed – 11,7%. The percentage of employed people in the private sector has decreased with 4,2% down to 1,86 million people and the percentage of the employed in the public sector has dropped with 2,4% down to 713 thousand.

Between the second trimester of 2010 and the second trimester of 2011 the number of the employed in the field of industry has decreased with 11,3% as for the remaining sectors – agriculture, forestry and services the employed people are 4,4 and 0,6% less.

During the second trimester of 2011 the share of employed people in the field of services reaches 61,5% of the employed in all sectors, in the field of industry – 31,2% and in agriculture and forestry – 7,3%. For the same period the number of unemployed people in the country is 369,8 thousand and the coefficient of unemployment is 11,2%. Compared to the same trimmest of 2010 the number of unemployed has increased with 27,6 thousand or 8,1% and the coefficient of unemployment – with 1,2 points. For the that period the coefficient of unemployment has risen with 1,7 points for men and with 0,6 for women, while for the second trimester of 2011 it for women.

Source: BusinessWeek Magazine