In August 2016, Horizons Bulgaria Ltd. concluded a contract with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. It is through the General Directorate “European Funds, International Programs and Projects”. The connection is with Procedure: BG05M9OP001-1.003 New Job 2015 ″. It is concerning the implementation of the project “Insurance of employment and improving the quality of life in Horizons Bulgaria OOD, financed by the ESF.
Project “Providing employment and improving the quality of life in” Horizons Bulgaria “Ltd. is worth BGN 83,848.28, of which BGN 83,848.28 grant and BGN 0 own contribution.
The grant scheme is within the priority axis 1 of the HRD OP. Its main goal is to increase access to employment and job quality.
The overall goal of the project proposal is to create sustainable new jobs and improve the quality of the work environment.