Leadership Academy

The Leadership Academy sets the goal to assist the transformation of the managers into conscious leaders. For this purpose, they have to pass through the process of personal development and unify their understanding of what it is like to be a manager and a leader, who is a role model among all employees.


Academy’s modules

Module 1. I am

Every leader, in order to lead the others, needs, first of all, a higher level of understanding of himself, his values, goals, working and not working behaviors and patterns. A better understanding of ourselves also gives us a better perspective in understanding the people around us, what motivates them or makes them less productive.


Module 2. Coaching

Coaching skills are a universal tool for anyone who wants to develop himself as a leader in work environment. Coaching skills as listening, understanding, asking the right questions are in order to motivate and support others.

Module 3. Functions of the manager

The aim of this module is to equip the participants in the Academy with the key soft skills for every manager. To allow participants to work in a group, to discuss and brainstorm cases and find the best solution. This module puts the participants in a situation in which they perform a higher role in the hierarchy so they can make decisions without the involvement of superiors. The expectation is that participants will be able to design their own model and process for making important decisions at the workplace. Also, to be learnt and to be able to make the most of the resources that they are provided with in the workplace.

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