Recruitment and introduction of new employees

A recruitment process usually takes around 2 months, taking the time of recruiters and managers. Unsuccessful recruitment process selection takes 3 times longer.
More and more companies are looking for well-trained staff who are able to provide good annual profit. Nevertheless, it is clear for everybody that the necessity to pick out the good professionals from the bad ones gets bigger.
The recruitment process is no longer responsibility only of HR departments.

This is a mission that involves all, and above all, managers who make the final decision. The truth is that candidates are already experienced in interviewing and manage to sell themselves well to interviewers.
But how much a bad recruitment process costs? According to a survey of „Society for Human Resource Management“ – a new employee needs 6-7 months in the organization before he starts to be productive and his productivity is able to cover his salary while at the meantime his organization covers his results. According other survey one bad recruitment can cost the annual salary of the employee (depending of the level it could reach between 13000 and 130 000 lv. per year ) including the wasted time of the recruiters and the managers which cost is expensive.

Module of introduction

The introduction in the company is the process of readapting one employee from one specific job environment to another..
Due to poor adaptation, 60% of employees tend to leave in the first 6 months since their first day. Some of the reasons are: misunderstanding of their functions in the organization, poor integration in the team, due to lack of recognition of the personality specifics during the selection, and early loss of motivation. The generations after 1989 year have completely different working values than the ones of those who hire them.
This generation prefers to have a mentor on the workplace and to enter smoothly into the working process in order to be able to adapt. In other words, a poorly built introduction plan can easily demotivate the new employee, and because of the mobility of this generation, the chance the employee to leave is very big.

For which professionals is this training intended?

  • Managers in the company responsible for employee’s selection
  • Professionals who have difficulties in filling vacant positions
  • Professionals who want to be better in recruiting and attracting employees
  • Employees who want to rely better on nonverbal communication
  • Employees who want to master the power of the right questions
  • Professionals who represent the image of the organization
  • Managers / team leaders who have difficulties in keeping their employees

What will this training give you?

A clearer understanding of the full round of recruitment which actually does not end with the last interview.

What are we going to talk about?

  • Recruitment through the eyes of a professional consultant
  • Recognizing the talent inside the organization
  • Analysis of the specific role
  • Psychological profile of the position
  • Organizational culture profile of the team
  • Briefing and communication with internal recruiters
  • Does the perfect employee exist?
  • How do business professionals conduct an interview?
  • Why is the company a good place to work?
  • How do we present the mission of organization to the applicant?
  • Evaluating the applicant’s values and behavior’s prediction
  • Job Offer phase and salary negotiations with the candidate
  • Introduction of the candidate into the working process
  • Is it a good idea to throw the newcomer into the deep?
  • What mentor do we need and how do we find him?
  • Attention and supportive behavior during the first months
  • Values, empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Freedom in a cage or functioning within the organization

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