Service description summary:

Executive search provides direct and confidential approach to idenfitying, attracting and inspiring high-caliber executives for our clients’ missions. Our services are based on a customer – centred approach, deep understanding of the business needs and goals of our clients.

Suitable for:

  • Top executive and senior management roles
  • Roles where defined and unique skills and experience are required
  • Roles and missions requiring high confidentiality of the recruitment service
  • Clients ready to partner with us when to attracting the best talent on board

Contents of the executive search service:

  • This a proactive approach to recruitment. The logic of the process here is opposite to the standard selection process, where the focus is on “filtering the weed” and the employers/recruiters are reactive. In executive earch the employing party is an active side that via the consultants proactively searches and offers opportunities to the best relevant executives in the industry. The focus is on discovering potential sources, identifying the right professionals and inspiring them via elegant career management, understanding their background and career aspirations.
  • It requires knowledge of the market place, valuable contacts at every level in industry and an awareness of current trends and issues that affect the business and hiring objectives.
  • Executive search assignments are delivered by dedicated teams of experienced recruitment consultants, specialized in direct talent acquisition and skilled in-house researchers.

The stages of an executive search assignment include:

  • Research & Planning – market analysis and research, development of a road map of companies and individuals from contacts and referrals and existing network.
  • Candidate Contact – potential candidates are identified and contacted in confidence to ascertain their core competencies, career achievements and future aspirations, before presenting the opportunity and challenge of the role.
  • Qualifying Candidates – final stage candidates are interviewed and assessed based on the key aspects of the role including areas such as leadership, motivation, tolerance under stress etc.
  • Presenting the Short List – discussion about the short-listed professionals with the Client, determinining their suitability and ensuring understanding of their career aspirations before engaging in interview process.
  • Interview Process and Negotiating the Offer – preparation and facilitatation of expectations at interview and at offer stage, pre-closing for the successful hire.
  • Resignation & Transition – providing counsel and facilitating the communication regarding salary terms, resignation issues and the counter offer.
  • Assignment Review – debrief with the client the assignment, establishing areas for improvement and discussing future search assignments.
  • Onboarding of successful candidates – following up on the successful transition in the first months after the hire starts work with the Client.


  • Executive Recruitment Advisory Services

We can support you in your internal recruitment processes as an advisory and independent party to interview your internal candidate or such provided by other recruitment sources.

  • Flexible Executive Recruitment

We can support you for specified by you phases of executive recruitment; We have developed a special hourly based proposition for such services.

  • Talent Mapping

We can research and conduct a confidential market mapping assignment to support your current and future management talent needs.

  • Executive and career coaching

We can provide dedicated coaching for your executives.

For further details about our services, please contact us directly!


    General information / Обща информация


    Your Company Information / Информация за компанията търсеща служители


    Position Profile / Профил на позицията


    I hereby agree that my Personal Data will be processed from Horizons Bulgaria Ltd. for the purpose of providing of intermediary business services/ Съгласявам се личните ми данни да бъдат използвани от Хорайзънс България за целите на посредническата дейност по подбор на персонал и бизнес услуги



    Search and selection approach for recruitment at middle management and expert level positions.see_more

    Executive Search

    The executive search assignments are delivered by our high-end consultancy practice for strategic talent recruitment – Horizons Executive Search.see_more


    Direct, proactive and confidential approach to high-caliber professionals in completive or relevant organizations.see_more

    On site recruiter

    Deployment on client‘s site of experienced and dedicated recruiter(s) for a temporary or permanent base. see_more


    Project management of training needs, performance with best trainers in Bulgaria.see_more

    Staff Leasing

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