• Create a network of contacts with talented people in order not to waste time and efforts when a vacant position shows up.
  • Work with young people, develop them and be on good terms with them because they are a long-term investment for your business.
  • The process of search and selection should be quick and effective. This process requires lots of time and efforts since a vacant position is equal to lost of productivity. On the other hand, successful candidates receive lots of job offers and your delay could be fatal.
  • Pay the necessary attention to the job description. It is of utmost importance for the creation of correct expectations both in you and in the new employee. What’s more the job description tells you the right questions for an interview and later on helps you evaluate the labor performance.
  • In most of the cases it’s useful to lay more weight on the personal competences rather than on the experience because people gain experience but they become a part of an organization through their specific characteristics. Take into account the mission and purposes of the company and define the personal qualities you are looking for.
  • Don’t leave the newly appointed employee wander about piles of information. Take care of his gradual introduction into the organizational culture, type of work and social circle. You can either organize training or attach a more experienced employee to the new person in order to introduce him and follow his development. This will help the adaptation easier and the newly appointed will work more effectively and will be more dedicated to the company.
  • In most of the cases online advertising is more successful since the Internet has entered our lives and many of us are attracted from its swiftness and from the opportunities it offers. Online advertisements will surely reach younger people.
  • It’s of utmost importance to create a team consisted of various people who will provide various points of view to the problems in the company and will enrich the social relations. Therefore it is useful to hire younger people as well as older ones, men as well as women, employees with different strong points.
  • Develop your employees and give them opportunities to grow through career planning, inside promotions, various tasks and projects.
  • Define the profile of the candidate you are looking for in order to appraise where you can find him and how you can attract him. Advertise in various places in order to approach more different people.
  • Spread advertising in different newspapers, in the company site, schools, universities, professional organizations. The use of spreading advertisements in professional organizations is that they reach professionals who are not actively searching a new job. If you need specialists with specific skills advertise in specialized sites and editions.
  • Compose an advertisement just like you would compose a literature text – with grabbing the attention sentences that will provoke the reader to continue reading
  • Researches show that companies are most satisfied with candidates who have been recommended from employees, than (in decreasing line) from candidates from the site, from new-comers from university initiatives, from the attracted with specialized media and other medias, from consulting companies, career presentations, print media.
  • Some companies don’t necessarily public advertisements because their good reputation attracts candidates who send their CV even when there isn’t a vacant position. You can establish such a reputation by making your company visible on the market – inform society about crucial changes in your company, public issues in respected editions, give interviews, participate in career presentations, be a guest lecturer on different events.
  • Recommendations are a mighty weapon to attract the right people. Your employees can take part in this as well as your partners – clients and suppliers. Build a clear system for recommendations that will encourage people to share.
  • In order to attract young talents organize social events such as sport competitions. This will help you to see how they work in team and how they meet challenges. Apart from this such an initiative is a good PR.
  • The autobiography tells you what the candidate wants you to know. That is why you need to read beyond lines – about his skills (whether he had worked on a similar position and if he has the skills you are looking for; whether he has taken courses to develop his abilities; how he enriched the organizations he was working in), his character (whether he has the necessary energy and determination to deal with the responsibilities; how he can persuade us of that he will push himself to the limit; whether he changed his position regularly and if it is the case, why; whether he will easily become a part of the team; if he will respect your authority or will act on his own; whether he will like your managing skills ), expected net salary(is the offered salary suitable taking into account the candidate’s last remuneration, his experience, the salary he needs and what the company can afford this)
  • While cover letters show you what candidates want you to see, the interview is your chance to ask all the questions you want and find out whether he will become an essential part of your team and he fit into the organizational culture. First of all you can make a phone interview for about ten minutes in order to judge whether the candidate’s characteristics basically correspond to the position requirements so that you don’t waste your time to interview an absolutely unsuitable person. You can make a test for the purposes of initial selection.
  • According to Richard Boles (the author of “What colour is your parachute”) the interview questions come down to: “Why are you here?”, “What can you do for us?”, “What kind of person are you?”, “Can we afford you?” .Jack Welch finds it more important to understand the reasons for leaving the candidate’s previous position. Important questions that you can ask are: “What were your obligations on your previous job?”, “What did you liked most and less about it?”, “What is your social package?”, “Why do you want to change the company you are working for?”, “How can you contribute to this position?”, “How does our company attract you?”, “Can you give us contacts of your colleagues who can recommend you?”, “What do you want to achieve on this position?”. Use the so called STAR questions – ask for a situation in which the candidate had to handle a task, what action he took and what the result was.
  • When you are making an offer to the most suitable for the position candidate, it’s necessary to be quick so that you don’t lose him in the last moment. Invite him on a face-to-face conversation and show that you are enthusiastic about his future joining to your team. It is of utmost importance to discuss the concrete offer (you should better provide it in written form, too) and give the candidate an opportunity to ask you all the questions he wants. Be straightforward, because if you do not clear out the details in the very beginning, the candidate may be disappointed when he starts working and as a result he may quit. When the offer is accepted take care of the feedback to the other candidates and carefully analyze each stage of the process of search and selection in order to find out in what respects changes are necessary.