Our client FTS Group is one of the leading providers in Central and Eastern Europe of industry-specific and business software for small to medium-sized and large companies based on cutting edge technologies from globally recognized vendors. We are committed and do our best to be a fair and reliable partner to our customers by offering innovative products and services that contribute to their success. We build and implement business management systems based on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Deltek Maconomy, M-Files, Power BI and several different vertical industry solutions.
The company hiring needs are currently focused on finding
Reporting to the Data & Analytics Operations Manager of FTS
Be part of the team which develops data and analytics solutions using Microsoft technology and tools. The daily tasks and activities include:
We will be glad to discuss this career opportunity with everyone who is interested in.
Please prepare us for the further conversations by sending us your resume. Thank you!
Your personal information will be used only for the purpose of the recruitment process and will be treated with confidentiality and respect. Confidentiality is guaranteed and protected by law.
Horizons owns license No 2118 from 27.09.2016
Horizons Bulgaria is a leading recruitment company specializing in top, middle management and expert positions with more than 18 years of experience on the Bulgarian market. Our team consists of business-oriented consultants with industrial specialization, professional understanding of the business trends and a pro-active approach.
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